

This is a limited implementation of the Verifiable Presentation Request W3C draft.

If “credentialQuery”: is an empty list, one keeps the current behavior of Credible. The user is asked to select credentials to send. Never mind the VCs.

If “credentialQuery.example” contains {“reason”: [……]} then the Verifier wishes to display an information message to the user. This message will be displayed on the wallet at the time of selection.

If “credentialQuery.example” contains {“type”: “some_type”} then the Verifier wishes to receive VCs conforming to the specified type and the wallet presents a list of VCs consisting only of the specified type.

If “credentialQueryexample” contains { “trustedIssuer” : [ {“issuer” : “did:tz2:12343243223”}]} then the Verifier wishes to receive VCs sent by the specified Issuer and the wallet presents a list consisting only of the specified issuer.

Nota Bene : - There is one credentialQuery.example for each type of VC requested - By default the credential is required (“required” : “True”), it does not support the other option. - The reason attribute should be analysed as an array of different languages (“fr”, “en”, …)

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