πŸ“‡Issue a Welcome card in a dApp

You will need to create an Issuer.

That card is a verifiable credential and you will need to get an Issuer. This card can be used as a Pass or to gives advantages ans discounts to your users as for instance a loyalty card.

For that exemple we are going to use the Issuer β€œExample 1” which is available on the Sandbox platform.

After pairing with the wallet, the dApp code to launch that request is simple :

const signature = await client.requestSignPayload({
      signingType: beacon.SigningType.RAW,
      payload: 'Get your Welcome card ! #https://talao.co/sandbox/op/beacon/ormmcdomjv'

Example of a Welcome credential card received in Altme :

You can find the Welcome card parameters (payload and client_secret) on the platform https://talao.co/sandbox. After login, choose the Beacon Issuer integration option.

Make a copy of this issuer and generates your own issuer. You can check the process and design of the credential card with the test button.

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