Example 1 with an “implicit flow” with no code
This is simple integration for a CMS like Webflow or a Single Page Application in JS or a dApp. For this first example, you need the Altme Wallet and an Email Proof as a verifiable credential.
Later you could check the verifier data and change the parameters and landing page style in minutes on https://talao.co. The example below is the verifier named “Example 1” in the select list. Make a copy of that verifier if you want to change the parameters.
So let’s try this verifier.
You can call it from a button link with a standard <a href=…> balise or you can just copy this link in your browser :
Replace if needed the redirect_uri argument by your own website.
You will be requested to present an email proof and then you will received an id_token like that one below in your browser (id_token=eyJhbGciO…..):
eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEyMyIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4Z2RmZGJ6d3JpIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0aGllcnJ5QGFsdG1lLmlvIiwiZXhwIjoxNjY2MTk4M jczLjY2ODQ5MiwiaWF0IjoxNjY2MTk3MjczLjY2ODQ4NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly90YWxhby5jby9zYW5kYm94L29wIiwibm9uY2UiOm51bGwsInN1YiI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZN a3R1d0x2U1VZZUplV0pnRHZKNlJmdFR2eVJTb05SR1h4Y2tlRTQ0cVRLa0tWIiwidXBkYXRlZF9hdCI6MTY2NTg0Mjc1MS4wfQ.MdWtxU8CjgSHfRgwUQWMMvhCLdgHzwQolWFwhtx -i3WJpZowwtpKSxh4smGPPhtBr4JPGYFAhjklZ2ojbW64VS8S07TNh3Q75TrgixAVguYnvsWCh5CLcxBRlcFW7iyWFm1WZ9VtNqXvlIL50tbfSQnpkcGVKbg2dmUKmuvUVDE1 qoJDedz7YKL3qWobkxzsrUlDGTKLvOHKdU3kaXnkGmiVxpZtwbIhE3pa27CjGFKAMX4rXOuiJ5N81LDX06GjV9KU4a4T5J2Bd2tgfvafjhJuTQD-1MaTWJMu_ZTiHEjr4PTqYe_C olYS2a_Ougwk2FTQ6dKIQWClwhCZ-QfWuw
As you will see in an implicit flow, the id_token is passed as a fragment (#), you can intercept it with JS in your page.
Copy this id_token and go to https://jwt.io , paste the id_token value in the left side and you will get the following json data decrypted :
“sub” is the subject ID, in our case it is the DID of the user (walletr Decentralized IDentifier). You can check that DID in your wallet settiongs !
“aud” is the issuer URL in the OpenID format
“email” is the main data of your verifiable credential
Based on that example you can request different types of credentials to authenticate your users as :
Over 13
Over 18
Phone proof
Gender proof
Nationality proof
Blockchain address
ID card
Custom credentials…
To make your own verifier, you just need to go to the plateform https://talao.co and to copy the example and configure the landing pasge.
More secured options are available with an OpenID authorization code flow.
Last updated