1️Example 1 with an “implicit flow” with no code

This is simple integration for a CMS like Webflow or a Single Page Application in JS or a dApp. For this first example, you need the Altme Wallet and an Email Proof as a verifiable credential.

Later you could check the verifier data and change the parameters and landing page style in minutes on https://talao.co. The example below is the verifier named “Example 1” in the select list. Make a copy of that verifier if you want to change the parameters.

So let’s try this verifier.

You can call it from a button link with a standard <a href=…> balise or you can just copy this link in your browser :


Replace if needed the redirect_uri argument by your own website.

You will be requested to present an email proof and then you will received an id_token like that one below in your browser (id_token=eyJhbGciO…..):

eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEyMyIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ4Z2RmZGJ6d3JpIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0aGllcnJ5QGFsdG1lLmlvIiwiZXhwIjoxNjY2MTk4M jczLjY2ODQ5MiwiaWF0IjoxNjY2MTk3MjczLjY2ODQ4NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly90YWxhby5jby9zYW5kYm94L29wIiwibm9uY2UiOm51bGwsInN1YiI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZN a3R1d0x2U1VZZUplV0pnRHZKNlJmdFR2eVJTb05SR1h4Y2tlRTQ0cVRLa0tWIiwidXBkYXRlZF9hdCI6MTY2NTg0Mjc1MS4wfQ.MdWtxU8CjgSHfRgwUQWMMvhCLdgHzwQolWFwhtx -i3WJpZowwtpKSxh4smGPPhtBr4JPGYFAhjklZ2ojbW64VS8S07TNh3Q75TrgixAVguYnvsWCh5CLcxBRlcFW7iyWFm1WZ9VtNqXvlIL50tbfSQnpkcGVKbg2dmUKmuvUVDE1 qoJDedz7YKL3qWobkxzsrUlDGTKLvOHKdU3kaXnkGmiVxpZtwbIhE3pa27CjGFKAMX4rXOuiJ5N81LDX06GjV9KU4a4T5J2Bd2tgfvafjhJuTQD-1MaTWJMu_ZTiHEjr4PTqYe_C olYS2a_Ougwk2FTQ6dKIQWClwhCZ-QfWuw

As you will see in an implicit flow, the id_token is passed as a fragment (#), you can intercept it with JS in your page.

Copy this id_token and go to https://jwt.io , paste the id_token value in the left side and you will get the following json data decrypted :

    "aud": "xgdfdbzwri",
    "email": "thierry@altme.io",
    "exp": 1666198273.668492,
    "iat": 1666197273.668484,
    "iss": "https://talao.co/sandbox/op",
    "nonce": null,
    "sub": "did:key:z6MktuwLvSUYeJeWJgDvJ6RftTvyRSoNRGXxckeE44qTKkKV",
    "updated_at": 1665842751
  • “sub” is the subject ID, in our case it is the DID of the user (walletr Decentralized IDentifier). You can check that DID in your wallet settiongs !

  • “aud” is the issuer URL in the OpenID format

  • “email” is the main data of your verifiable credential

Based on that example you can request different types of credentials to authenticate your users as :

  • Over 13

  • Over 18

  • Phone proof

  • Gender proof

  • Nationality proof

  • Blockchain address

  • ID card

  • Custom credentials…

To make your own verifier, you just need to go to the plateform https://talao.co and to copy the example and configure the landing pasge.

More secured options are available with an OpenID authorization code flow.

Last updated